Starr Hill Reviver Red IPA Review

Dave Jensen (beer47)
Published in
2 min readFeb 19, 2016


Starr Hill Reviver Red IPA

Starr Hill Brewery’s Reviver Red IPA is Spring seasonal that masterfully combines the malty qualities of an amber ale with the citrus and pine qualities of an American IPA. The hops include Mosaic, which were hand picked by Star Hill brewer Robbie O’Cain in Yakima in the Fall of 2015.

Date Reviewed. February 18, 2016

Serving Size. 12 oz. bottle

Aroma. Reviver has an aroma that showcases both the malt and the hops included in this beer. It has notes of barley sugar, fresh pain au levain bread, malt, and nuttiness juxtaposed against floral, citrus, grapefruit, and pine characteristics.

Appearance. This red IPA has a semi-opaque oaky brown color with a dark amber glow. It has a tan, loosely-foamy head with moderate retention and some lacing on the glass.

Flavor. The flavor, like the aroma, is nicely balanced with a nice malty sweetness and a smooth, herbal bitterness. It is neither cloyingly sweet nor too bitter, it sits nicely in-between an IPA and a malty amber ale.

Mouthfeel. Reviver is a medium to full bodied and has a nice slightly creamy texture that keeps the prickly bitterness of the hops in line.

Overall. The Starr Hill brewers have masterfully combined two great styles: the malty amber ale and the hoppy IPA without losing too much of either style. The malt and hops play nicely together in both the aroma and well as the flavor.


Aroma (25%): ███
Appearance (5%): ███
Flavor (40%): ███
Mouthfeel (10%): ███
Overall (20%): ███
Total: ███ out of 5.0

Beer Stats

Brewery: Starr Hill Brewery in Crozet, Virginia
Style: Red IPA
ABV: 6.72%
IBU: 45
Malt: 2-row, crystal, wheat, pale barley malt
Hops: Mosaic, Citra, Amarillo, Simcoe, Columbus

Disclosure. Starr Hill Brewery graciously provided samples of this beer.

